Contact Us

  1. Matthew Maxey
    (310) 260-6717
  2. Tricia Sakamoto
    (310) 260-7359
  3. Email inquiries to:
Compass Portal Technical Support
  1. If you would like to report a bug, or if you experience difficulty using Compass Portal, please e-mail Technical Support with the following information:
  2. 1. A description of your problem
  3. 2. Your operating system
  4. 3. Your browser and version number (this information is available from your browser's Help -> About menu)
Corporate Headquarters
  1. Wilshire Advisors, LLC.
    1299 Ocean Avenue, Suite 600
    Santa Monica, CA 90401-1085

    Phone: (310) 451-3051
    Fax: (310) 458-0520